Custom colors in plottable

logo of a chart:TableBig

Plottable is a python library for plotting nice table outputs. You can custom style, colors, add images and even more with a light python syntax!
In this post, we'll see how change and custom colors of rows and columns with plottable. For an introduction to plottable, see Introduction to plottable and for an advanced feature check How to add an image in plottable.


First, you need to install plottable with the following command: pip install plottable

We'll also need the following libraries:

  • pandas for creating a dataframe with our data
  • matplotlib for customizing the table and display it
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from plottable import Table


Since most of the time, when we want to display a beautiful table, it comes from a pandas dataframe, we'll create a (simple) pandas df and use it as the starting point we want to make nice.

data = {'Score': [80, 60, 20, 30, 90],
        'Value': [50.42, 17.01, 42.90, 6.83, 92.06],
        'Comment': ['Nice', 'Cool', 'Fun', 'Bad', 'Okay']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

Change color of one column

In order to access one specific column, we use the columns attribute from the Table() and then use:

  • set_facecolor() function for the background color
  • set_fontcolor() function for the text color

In our case, we change the background color of the 'Value' column and the text color of the 'Score' column

# Init a figure 
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5))

# Create the Table() object
tab = Table(df)

# Change the color

# Display the output

Change color of all columns

If we want to apply the same color for every cell, the easiest way is to iterate over all our columns and use the set_facecolor() or set_fontcolor() at each iteration.

# Init a figure 
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5))

# Create the Table() object
tab = Table(df)

# Change the color
for col in df.columns:

# Display the output

Keep in mind that the index of our table is not in our columns. However, in a similar way as the columns, you can access it with tab.columns['index']

Change color of one row

You can access rows with the rows attribute from the Table() and use the set_facecolor() or set_fontcolor(), depending on what you want to change.

# Init a figure 
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5))

# Create the Table() object
tab = Table(df)

# Change the color

# Display the output

Change color of all rows

Plottable has a nice feature that allows us to change color only of even or odd rows. You can use the even_row_color and odd_row_color when creating the Table object.

# Init a figure 
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5))

# Create the Table() object
tab = Table(df,

# Display the output

Use a gradient of colors

We need to import new elements from both plottable and matplotlib:

  • a colormap from matplotlib: in our case we'll use a gradient of blues
  • ColumnDefinition in order to specify the cmap we want for which column

The main interest of this is that the color is proportionaly stronger according to values in the cell.

from import Blues
from plottable import ColumnDefinition

# Init a figure 
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5))

# Create the Table() object
tab = Table(df,
            column_definitions=[ColumnDefinition(name="Score", cmap=Blues)])

# Display the output

Going further

This post explains the how to change colors with the plottable library.

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👋 This document is a work by Yan Holtz. You can contribute on github, send me a feedback on twitter or subscribe to the newsletter to know when new examples are published! 🔥

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