Animated bubble chart

Animation with python

This blogpost explains how to build an animated bubble chart using Python and Matplotlib. Matplotlib is used to a gif file that can be displayed in a web page. The data used is the gapminder dataset, which is a classic dataset used in data visualization.

The animation is saved as a gif file and displayed in the blogpost. The code is available in the blogpost and can be used to create similar animations with other datasets.

📍 Libraries & Dataset

This example is based on the famous gapminder dataset. It provides the average life expectancy, gdp per capita and population size for more than 100 countries. It is available online here and I've stored a copy on the gallery github repo

Let's load it in python and have a look to the 3 first rows.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

data = pd.read_csv('')
data['continent'] = pd.Categorical(data['continent'])
country year pop continent lifeExp gdpPercap
0 Afghanistan 1952 8425333.0 Asia 28.801 779.445314
1 Afghanistan 1957 9240934.0 Asia 30.332 820.853030
2 Afghanistan 1962 10267083.0 Asia 31.997 853.100710
3 Afghanistan 1967 11537966.0 Asia 34.020 836.197138
4 Afghanistan 1972 13079460.0 Asia 36.088 739.981106

💭 Bubble chart

Let's build a bubble chart for the first year of the dataset (1952). If you're interested in how to make bubble charts with python, the gallery has a dedicated section for it.

Let's build one using the scatter() function of matplotlib:

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))

# Subset of the data for year 1952
data1952 = data[data.year == 1952]

# Scatterplot
    x = data1952['lifeExp'], 
    y = data1952['gdpPercap'], 
    s = data1952['pop']/50000, 
    c = data1952['continent'], 
    cmap = "Accent", 
    alpha = 0.6, 
    edgecolors = "white", 
    linewidth = 2
# Add titles (main and on axis)
ax.set_xlabel("Life Expectancy")
ax.set_ylabel("GDP per Capita")
ax.set_title("Year 1952")
ax.set_xlim(30, 75)

🎥 Animation

An animation is basically a set of static images visualized one after the other.

Fortunately, matplotlib has a built-in function to create animations: FuncAnimation. It requires a figure and a function to update the figure at each iteration.

The core of the animation is made via the update() function that will be called at each iteration. It will update the position of the bubbles according to the year of the dataset. What we have to do is to subset our dataset for each year, and update the position of the bubbles accordingly.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10), dpi=120)

def update(frame):
    # Clear the current plot to redraw
    # Filter data for the specific year
    yearly_data = data.loc[data.year == frame, :]

    # Scatter plot for that year

    # Updating titles and layout
    ax.set_title(f"Global Development in {frame}")
    ax.set_xlabel("Life Expectancy")
    ax.set_ylabel("GDP per Capita")
    ax.set_ylim(100, 100000)
    ax.set_xlim(20, 90)

    return ax

ani = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=data['year'].unique())'../../static/animations/gapminder-1.gif', fps=1)

You now know how to create a simple animation with matplotlib!

Smooth animation

The previous animation is a bit rough. We can make it smoother by interpolating the position of the bubbles between two years. This can be done by the interpolate() function of the pandas library.

The code for the animation stays the same, but we have to update our dataframe before the animation. Let's do it:

interp_data = pd.DataFrame()

multiple = 10
for country in data['country'].unique():
   # prepare a temporary dataframe and subset
   temp_df = pd.DataFrame()
   country_df = data[data['country']==country]

   # interpolate the data
   years = np.linspace(country_df['year'].min(), country_df['year'].max(), len(country_df) * multiple-(multiple-1))
   pops = np.linspace(country_df['pop'].min(), country_df['pop'].max(), len(country_df) * multiple-(multiple-1))
   lifeExps = np.linspace(country_df['lifeExp'].min(), country_df['lifeExp'].max(), len(country_df) * multiple-(multiple-1))
   gdps = np.linspace(country_df['gdpPercap'].min(), country_df['gdpPercap'].max(), len(country_df) * multiple-(multiple-1))
   continents = [country_df['continent'].values[0]] * len(years)

   # add the data to the temporary dataframe
   temp_df['year'] = years
   temp_df['pop'] = pops
   temp_df['lifeExp'] = lifeExps
   temp_df['gdpPercap'] = gdps
   temp_df['continent'] = continents
   temp_df['country'] = country

   # append the temporary dataframe to the final dataframe
   interp_data = pd.concat([interp_data, temp_df])
   interp_data['continent'] = pd.Categorical(interp_data['continent'])

year pop lifeExp gdpPercap continent country
0 1952.0 8.425333e+06 28.801000 635.341351 Asia Afghanistan
1 1952.5 8.638647e+06 28.937609 638.456534 Asia Afghanistan
2 1953.0 8.851962e+06 29.074218 641.571716 Asia Afghanistan
3 1953.5 9.065276e+06 29.210827 644.686899 Asia Afghanistan
4 1954.0 9.278591e+06 29.347436 647.802081 Asia Afghanistan

The following code is almost the same as before: we only change the fps parameter of the FuncAnimation function to make the animation display more frames per second.

Note: this can take a bit of time to compute, depending on your computer.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10), dpi=120)

def update(frame):
    # Clear the current plot to redraw
    # Filter data for the specific year
    yearly_data = interp_data.loc[interp_data.year == frame, :]

    # Scatter plot for that year

    # Updating titles and layout
    ax.set_title(f"Global Development in {round(frame)}")
    ax.set_xlabel("Life Expectancy")
    ax.set_ylabel("GDP per Capita")
    ax.set_ylim(100, 100000)
    ax.set_xlim(20, 90)

    return ax

ani = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=interp_data['year'].unique())'../../static/animations/gapminder-2.gif', fps=10)

Going further

If you want to go further, have a look at this animation with a stacked area chart

Animation with python


Contact & Edit

👋 This document is a work by Yan Holtz. You can contribute on github, send me a feedback on twitter or subscribe to the newsletter to know when new examples are published! 🔥

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