Customize seaborn heatmap

logo of a chart:Heatmap

The previous post explains how to make a heatmap from 3 different input formats. This post aims to describe customizations you can make to a heatmap.

Libraries & Dataset

First, we need to load a few libraries:

  • seaborn for the heatmap
  • matplotlib for chart customization
  • pandas for data manipulation
  • numpy for data generation
# libraries
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame(

Annotate each cell with value

The heatmap can show the exact value behind the color. To add a label to each cell, annot parameter of the heatmap() function should be set to True.

# plot a heatmap with annotation
sns.heatmap(df, annot=True, annot_kws={"size": 7})

Custom grid lines

The following parameters will make customizations to the heatmap plot:

  • linewidth : the thickness of the lines
  • linecolor : the color of the lines
# plot a heatmap with custom grid lines
sns.heatmap(df, linewidths=2, linecolor='yellow')

Remove X or Y labels

yticklabels and xticklabels control the presence / abscence of labels for the Y and X axis respectively.

# plot a heatmap
sns.heatmap(df, yticklabels=False)

Remove color bar

You can remove the color bar from a heatmap plot by giving False to the parameter cbar.

# plot a heatmap
sns.heatmap(df, cbar=False)

Hide a few axis labels to avoid overlapping

As you can remove x or y labels by setting xticklabels or yticklabels as False, you can also give an integer to plot only every n label.

# plot a heatmap
sns.heatmap(df, xticklabels=4)

Going further

This post explains how to create a heatmap with matplotlib and seaborn.

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