Basic beeswarm plots using Matplotlib

logo of a chart:Beeswarm2Big

This post describes how to create a basic beeswarm plots using matplotlib. To do this, we have created our own functions suggested by Roger Vadim and Michael Clerx on this blog post, since matplotlib does not offer a function for this type of graph.

What is a beeswarm plot?

Imagine you want to know how your friends' height is distributed. To do this, you can use a swarm plot, which is a visual way of seeing individual data points (in this case, the height of your friends) and how they are distributed, with no two data points overlapping and all forming a neat line from shortest to tallest. It allows you to quickly understand the extent and distribution of data without losing any information.


Since matplotlib does not have a function for beeswarm plot, we will need to create our own. We will use (slightly modified) functions suggested by MichaelClerx and Roger Vadim on Stackoverflow here.

First, you need to install the following librairies:

  • matplotlib is used for plot customization purposes and display the chart
  • numpy is used to generate some data and create the chart
  • pandas is used to create a datafram from the numpy generated data
# Libraries
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd


First, we need to create data with 2 groups. To do this, we take the following steps:

  • Define the sample size per group. Given that we have two groups, there will be 50 people in each, for a total of 100.
  • Create the data for each group (here, we give them a different mean with loc=100 VS loc=130, in order to have sufficiently different groups)
  • Create the list containing the group name for each observation
  • Put all this data into a pandas dataframe

The categorical variable will only be used to represent the distribution of several groups on the same graph.

# Random variables following a normal distribution
sample_size = 100  # Define the size of the random data samples.
# Generate data points for 'Group 1'
data_group1 = np.random.normal(loc=100, scale=30, size=sample_size)
# Generate data points for 'Group 2'
data_group2 = np.random.normal(loc=130, scale=30, size=sample_size)
# Concatenate the data to create a combined dataset
data_combined = np.concatenate([data_group1, data_group2])
# List that indicates the category for each data point
category_feature = ['Group1'] * sample_size + ['Group2'] * sample_size

# Store this data into a pandas df
df = pd.DataFrame({'numerical_variable': data_combined,
                   'categorical_variable': category_feature})

Basic beeswarm plot

The following code is a function that displays a simple bee swarm graphic, with a title and an axis name.

The main steps of the function involve dividing the data into bins based on the provided number of bins or a default value, calculating the upper bounds for each bin, and then arranging the data points in each bin to create the horizontal spread in the plot, ensuring they don't overlap.

The function ultimately returns the array x, which contains the x positions of the data points for the beeswarm plot.

Once we have defined our function, the code sets up the figure, subplot, hides the x-axis, calculates the beeswarm plot using simple_beeswarm(), and then displays the plot using All these steps are necessary to create and show the beeswarm plot.

def simple_beeswarm(y, nbins=None):

    # Convert y to a NumPy array
    y = np.asarray(y)

    # Calculate the number of bins if not provided
    if nbins is None:
        nbins = len(y) // 6

    # Get upper and lower bounds of the data
    x = np.zeros(len(y))
    ylo = np.min(y)
    yhi = np.max(y)

    # Calculate the size of each bin based on the number of bins
    dy = (yhi - ylo) / nbins

    # Calculate the upper bounds of each bin using linspace
    ybins = np.linspace(ylo + dy, yhi - dy, nbins - 1)

    # Divide the indices into bins
    i = np.arange(len(y))
    ibs = [0] * nbins  # List to store indices for each bin
    ybs = [0] * nbins  # List to store values for each bin
    nmax = 0  # Variable to store the maximum number of data points in a bin
    for j, ybin in enumerate(ybins):

        # Create a boolean mask for elements that are less than or equal to the bin upper bound
        f = y <= ybin

        # Store the indices and values that belong to this bin
        ibs[j], ybs[j] = i[f], y[f]

        # Update nmax with the maximum number of elements in a bin so far
        nmax = max(nmax, len(ibs[j]))

        # Update i and y by excluding the elements already added to the current bin
        f = ~f
        i, y = i[f], y[f]

    # Add the remaining elements to the last bin
    ibs[-1], ybs[-1] = i, y
    nmax = max(nmax, len(ibs[-1]))

    # Assign x indices to the data points in each bin
    dx = 1 / (nmax // 2)

    for i, y in zip(ibs, ybs):
        if len(i) > 1:

            # Determine the index to start from based on whether the bin has an even or odd number of elements
            j = len(i) % 2

            # Sort the indices in the bin based on the corresponding values
            i = i[np.argsort(y)]

            # Separate the indices into two groups, 'a' and 'b'
            a = i[j::2]
            b = i[j+1::2]

            # Assign x values to the 'a' group using positive values and to the 'b' group using negative values
            x[a] = (0.5 + j / 3 + np.arange(len(b))) * dx
            x[b] = (0.5 + j / 3 + np.arange(len(b))) * -dx

    return x

# Create a figure with a size of 2 inches (width) by 4 inches (height)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2, 4))

# Adjust the subplots so that they fit nicely within the figure
fig.subplots_adjust(0.2, 0.2, 1.2, 1.2)

# Add a single subplot (axes) to the figure
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False)  # Mask the x-axis

# Use the previously defined 'simple_beeswarm' function to get the x-axis positions for the beeswarm plot
y = df['numerical_variable']
x = simple_beeswarm(y)

# Plot the data points using circles 'o' at the calculated x and y positions
ax.plot(x, y, 'o')

# Set axis labels and a title
ax.set_ylabel("Y Axis Label")
ax.set_title("Simple Beeswarm Plot")

# Show the plot

Beeswarm plot with multiple groups

In order to represent the distribution of several groups with a beeswarm plot, we add a width argument to the original function.

Both functions (simple_beeswarm() and simple_beeswarm2()) create bee swarm plots to avoid overlapping points with the same values.

However, they differ in their approach to dividing data into bins:

  • simple_beeswarm uses a manual calculation of bins boundaries
  • simple_beeswarm2 uses the numpy histogram (np.histogram())

In addition, simple_beeswarm2() lets you control the width of the bins with the width parameter, while simple_beeswarm() uses a default number of bins and divides the data according to the size of each bin.

In this variant, in order to represent several groups on the same graph, we use a for loop to iterate through the distinct labels present in the categorical variable, create a subset of the relevant observations and display their distribution.

def simple_beeswarm2(y, nbins=None, width=1.):
    Returns x coordinates for the points in ``y``, so that plotting ``x`` and
    ``y`` results in a bee swarm plot.

    # Convert y to a numpy array to ensure it is compatible with numpy functions
    y = np.asarray(y)

    # If nbins is not provided, calculate a suitable number of bins based on data length
    if nbins is None:
        # nbins = len(y) // 6
        nbins = np.ceil(len(y) / 6).astype(int)

    # Get the histogram of y and the corresponding bin edges
    nn, ybins = np.histogram(y, bins=nbins)

    # Find the maximum count in any bin to be used in calculating the x positions
    nmax = nn.max()

    # Create an array of zeros with the same length as y, to store x-coordinates
    x = np.zeros(len(y))

    # Divide indices of y-values into corresponding bins
    ibs = []
    for ymin, ymax in zip(ybins[:-1], ybins[1:]):

        # Find the indices where y falls within the current bin
        i = np.nonzero((y > ymin) * (y <= ymax))[0]

    # Assign x-coordinates to the points in each bin
    dx = width / (nmax // 2)

    for i in ibs:
        yy = y[i]
        if len(i) > 1:

            # Determine the starting index (j) based on the number of elements in the bin
            j = len(i) % 2

            # Sort the indices based on their corresponding y-values
            i = i[np.argsort(yy)]

            # Separate the indices into two halves (a and b) for arranging the points
            a = i[j::2]
            b = i[j+1::2]

            # Assign x-coordinates to points in each half of the bin
            x[a] = (0.5 + j / 3 + np.arange(len(b))) * dx
            x[b] = (0.5 + j / 3 + np.arange(len(b))) * -dx

    return x

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 8))
ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False)  # Mask the x-axis

# Display each group:
count = 0
labels = ''
for group in df['categorical_variable'].unique():

    # Subset only observation from the group
    y = df[df['categorical_variable'] == group]['numerical_variable']

    # Get position of the observations
    x = simple_beeswarm2(y, width=0.25)

    # Plot
    ax.plot(x+count, y, 'o')

    # Moves each group 1 unit to the right for the next iteration (avoid overlapping)
    count += 1

# Add title and axis name
plt.title('Beeswarm plot made with matplotlib')
ax.set_ylabel("Y Axis Label")

# Add a legend with the name of each distinct label

# Display the chart

Bonus: add boxplots for better vizualisation

To get an even clearer idea of the distribution of your data, it may be useful to add box plots under the beeswarm plots, as suggested in the original function by Roger Vadim.

It's actually quite simple, with each iteration on the separate labels of the categorical variable:

  • we collect the values of the group in question
  • we add them to a list we've just initialized (boxplot_data)

We then display the boxplots using the matplotlib function boxplot().

def simple_beeswarm2(y, nbins=None, width=1.):
    Returns x coordinates for the points in ``y``, so that plotting ``x`` and
    ``y`` results in a bee swarm plot.

    # Convert y to a numpy array to ensure it is compatible with numpy functions
    y = np.asarray(y)

    # If nbins is not provided, calculate a suitable number of bins based on data length
    if nbins is None:
        # nbins = len(y) // 6
        nbins = np.ceil(len(y) / 6).astype(int)

    # Get the histogram of y and the corresponding bin edges
    nn, ybins = np.histogram(y, bins=nbins)

    # Find the maximum count in any bin to be used in calculating the x positions
    nmax = nn.max()

    # Create an array of zeros with the same length as y, to store x-coordinates
    x = np.zeros(len(y))

    # Divide indices of y-values into corresponding bins
    ibs = []
    for ymin, ymax in zip(ybins[:-1], ybins[1:]):

        # Find the indices where y falls within the current bin
        i = np.nonzero((y > ymin) * (y <= ymax))[0]

    # Assign x-coordinates to the points in each bin
    dx = width / (nmax // 2)

    for i in ibs:
        yy = y[i]
        if len(i) > 1:

            # Determine the starting index (j) based on the number of elements in the bin
            j = len(i) % 2

            # Sort the indices based on their corresponding y-values
            i = i[np.argsort(yy)]

            # Separate the indices into two halves (a and b) for arranging the points
            a = i[j::2]
            b = i[j+1::2]

            # Assign x-coordinates to points in each half of the bin
            x[a] = (0.5 + j / 3 + np.arange(len(b))) * dx
            x[b] = (0.5 + j / 3 + np.arange(len(b))) * -dx

    return x

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 8))
ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False)  # Mask the x-axis

# Display each group:
count = 1
boxplot_data = []
for group in df['categorical_variable'].unique():

    # Subset only observation from the group
    y = df[df['categorical_variable'] == group]['numerical_variable']

    # Get position of the observations
    x = simple_beeswarm2(y, width=0.25)

    # Plot
    ax.plot(x+count, y, 'o')

    # Moves each group 1 unit to the right for the next iteration (avoid overlapping)
    count += 1
    # Add the values of the group to the `boxplot_data` variable

# Add the boxplots
           widths=0.5,  # Boxplots width

# Add title and axis name
plt.title('Beeswarm plot and Boxplots, made with matplotlib')
ax.set_ylabel("Y Axis Label")

# Add a legend with the name of each distinct label

# Display the chart

Going further

This article explains how to create a beeswarm plot with matplotlib with various customization features, such as plotting multiple groups or adding a boxplot beneath the main plot.

For more examples of how to create or customize your beeswarm plots with Python, see the beeswarm plot section. You may also be interested in creating a beeswarm plot with Seaborn.

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👋 This document is a work by Yan Holtz. You can contribute on github, send me a feedback on twitter or subscribe to the newsletter to know when new examples are published! 🔥

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